Most women experience at least 3 months of irregularity whilst the cycle tries to re-establish itself after stopping the contraceptive pill

But what if it has been 6 months, 1 year, maybe more since you had a period, what then?!

Louise* came to see me as she hadn’t had a period for almost 2 years since stopping the pill. She had tried everything to help, taking herbs, seeing an acupuncturist and reflexologist, but for whatever reason the period was not returning. Louise also had investigations for PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome but these came back negative.

During the consultation I wanted to find out as much as I could about Louise and what had brought her to this place of ill health. Initially she had gone on the pill in an attempt to heal her acne-prone skin when she was 16. It didn’t help the acne but Louise got a boyfriend so she decided to stay on the pill for contraceptive purposes. Louise had been on the pill off and on until she was in her late 20’s because every time she came off of it, her skin got a bit worse. As Louise was hoping to try for a baby she felt she had to come off and address these issues but was perturbed by her lack of period. Sometimes she would get phantom period pains or a bit of spotting but the period still never properly arrived. Louise said her PMT was out of control, she would feel extremely irritable, moody and emotional and all she wanted to do was be alone and eat chocolate. What made Louise feel better was exercise, dancing, being in the open air, the seashore and sunshine. She felt very chilly and preferred to be warm, her hands and feet were always ice cold. Her digestive system had also been changeable with bouts of constipation, which seemed worse when she was stressed or nervous.

Despite the lack of period, Louise did seem to be having signs of ovulation with a change in cervical fluid and twinges in her right ovary one day in the month. I took this as a positive sign that Louise was fertile but her hormones were a little out of balance since the contraceptive pill.

For Louise I prescribed a homeopathic detox combination of Sepia and Nux Vomica.

Sepia was well indicated for the worn out, exhausted feelings. For being irritable with her husband and having a tendency to be critical or fault find. There was a general feeling of indifference towards her husband and her libido was almost non-existent. Sepia also craves chocolate and prefers to be alone. Sepia types don’t like the cold and often have circulatory disorders with cold hands and feet. There is also physical statis with constipation, lack of energy and low libido. Sepia always feel better for exercise and dancing in particular. Sepia is a fantastic remedy for any hormonal change (puberty, pregnancy, menopause) and is particularly good for amenorrhoea (lack of period) and for post-pill use.

As you can see Louise fitted this remedy very well!

Nux Vomica was used alongside as a liver support; it’s also great for detoxing conventional medication, which may be causing irritability in the system. Nux Vomica types tend to be quite ambitious with workaholic tendencies. Louise described herself as very impatient and a ‘go getter’ with a strong work ethic and a desire to get ahead on the corporate ladder.

After this prescription, Louise came back to see me 4 weeks later. She seemed more upbeat and happily told me that she had had a period since our last meeting! It had been very light and lasted only 2 days but she was thrilled to be seeing changes so quickly. Louise said her PMT symptoms had been less dramatic and was only a bit grumpy before the period came. She still wanted to eat chocolate and be alone but had been feeling less irritable towards her husband and had been more appreciative of his presence.

I decided to continue with Louise’s original prescription, only changing the potency to slightly higher. Louise didn’t come back for a 3rd appointment as her period had returned and she was feeling lighter and happier. The process of trying for a baby had begun and she said she’d be in touch if needed.

If your story sounds similar to Louise’s, then please get in touch or comment on this blog post. I offer all prospective new clients a free, no obligation 15 minute consultation to see how homeopathy might be able to help you. Please contact me via the form below to enquire.

Until next time, have a happy and healthy week!

*name has been changed

Claire Zarb

Claire Zarb


t: +44 (0)7582 269569
s: c.zarb

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